You are here: Darwen Catholic Parishes > Baptisms


Baptism is God’s most beautiful and magnificent gift. We want to encourage active membership of the church as a genuine preparation for an important long term commitment.

We welcome enquiries from parents who want to have their child baptised into the community of the parish and the Catholic Church. To discuss arrangements for baptism, please come along to Mass and introduce yourself to Fr Brian or ask for a member of the Baptism Team.

We look for the Catholic parent to come along to Mass on Saturday evenings or Sunday mornings.

Parents requesting Baptism for their children are invited to share an information session, organised by our Baptism Team.

It is important to realise that Baptism requires Faith.

If an adult is to be baptised, then that adult would have to show some knowledge of and commitment to the Faith and worship of the Catholic Church for some time before Baptism could be arranged. This would be after a period of attending Mass each week and attending some instruction or discussion about the Catholic Faith.

When it is a child who is to be baptised, this commitment is not possible on the part of the child, but it is still expected on the part of at least the Catholic parent(s). This is why the Catholic parent(s) and the Godparents are required to re-affirm their own commitment to God and to the Catholic Church and to promise God before witnesses that they will bring this child up in the knowledge and the practice of their Faith. This promise made publicly in church to God is not to be taken lightly.

Baptism is the sacrament by which we become Christians. It is the gateway to the other sacraments and the whole Christian life. We look forward to welcoming families in our Parish community and celebrating with them as their children receive this wonderful gift in the sacrament of Baptism.